Crooked Baby Elephant
Crooked Baby Elephant was stepped on when she was born. She was in a zoo with her family. She survived but has to walk with crutches and her arms are twisted. Her mother died and the zookeeper took her under his wing and now she is ready to find a home where someone will mother her. She will never grow old, and she needs to be with someone that will cherish that. Crooked Baby Elephant has a donkey locket on her neck. She knew a baby donkey at he zoo and misses her. Maybe someone with a donkey can take her home.
Crooked Baby can stand with her two crutches [she might need you to add some glue or something at the bottom of her feet to help her stand. You can also use the sticky gum like material found at any online art supply shop. She is made of cotton, wood, gauze and her ears are hand stitched with thread. Approximately 10". Sewn in Katherine's raggedy style.